Well I had an awesome time in Utah for my LE Muzzle loader hunt.
My goal for this hunt was to shoot a 340+ bull. Which is definitely do able, as I have hunted cow here before and have seen some nice bulls.
The first morning of the hunt we planned to glass from the roads before we started hiking in. After about 2.5 hours in I heard the bugle of a bull. I glassed into a thicket of junipers and spotted a cow. Soon after a good sized bull stepped out. He looked like a shooter so the hunt was on.
My dad stayed back while my girlfriend and I closed the distance (1200 yards). We got to 350 yards and watched the bull let out a bugle. He then walked into a aspen thicket. I decided to get closer. At 75 yards from the bull I was between him and his harem of cows. The bull spotted me as I spotted him. He stepped into an opening and I squeezed the trigger. The bull drops, I reloaded and prepared for another shot. The bull got up and I put another bullet in him, finishing him off.
It all happened very fast. I’m super grateful to have had such an awesome hunt! He’s a 5x6 and ended up scoring 352 gross
My goal for this hunt was to shoot a 340+ bull. Which is definitely do able, as I have hunted cow here before and have seen some nice bulls.
The first morning of the hunt we planned to glass from the roads before we started hiking in. After about 2.5 hours in I heard the bugle of a bull. I glassed into a thicket of junipers and spotted a cow. Soon after a good sized bull stepped out. He looked like a shooter so the hunt was on.
My dad stayed back while my girlfriend and I closed the distance (1200 yards). We got to 350 yards and watched the bull let out a bugle. He then walked into a aspen thicket. I decided to get closer. At 75 yards from the bull I was between him and his harem of cows. The bull spotted me as I spotted him. He stepped into an opening and I squeezed the trigger. The bull drops, I reloaded and prepared for another shot. The bull got up and I put another bullet in him, finishing him off.
It all happened very fast. I’m super grateful to have had such an awesome hunt! He’s a 5x6 and ended up scoring 352 gross

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