Wow, this season has been interesting! Opening day shot a doe with my g13. Was home by 12 noon. Went out on some other weekends and havent seen any legal bucks. This last week took four days off, three for hunting. Tuesday saw 9 deer... 4 does on a hill early in the morning, another doe down in a valley below a well traveled biking/hiking trail, a spike crossing a meadow in plain view about 4:10 PM and then a doe with two fawns on private property just around 5pm. Thursday saw 2 does in the morning and sat on them hoping a buck would come in sometime but no go. As we are leaving see a huge bodied buck bouncing across a dry grass area, couldnt see how many points due to a lack of light but he was definitely tall antlered with deep forks maybe a 3x2 or 3x3 but was in archery only area. Friday was walking all day and saw nothing till around 11am, looking at a hill from across a valley saw a mountain lion creeping away. About a minute later see a flash in the bottom of the valley, a coyote which we watched and noticed was feeding on a doe. We figured that the mountain lion killed the doe, got scared when we got close and the coyote came in for a lucky meal. On our way home I looked down at my center console, just as I look up there is a buck right in the middle of the road, i had to swerve to the right and missed it by mere feet, scared that crap out of me and my friend. About five minutes up the road a doe bust out full speed across the road.
Wish I could make it out this weekend but the wife has to work and I have no sitter for my 2 year old boy. I think im taking up archery now and start practicing for next year and start carrying a bow in the truck as those two bucks were in archery only areas. Im going to try and do way more scouting in preparation for next year, but it is so hard to get out in an area that isnt as pressured as the areas I hunt. I am willing to hike into rough terrain and want to get out into areas that are a little more secluded and hike but its hard to get out and hit those areas especially when mom always has to work on weekends and getting a sitter is tough sometimes. Also need to find a good hunting partner as my wife doesnt like me going out alone into areas when there are cats out and about. Hope everyone has had a good season and to all the guys going for the second half of A22 good luck to you all and be safe.
Wish I could make it out this weekend but the wife has to work and I have no sitter for my 2 year old boy. I think im taking up archery now and start practicing for next year and start carrying a bow in the truck as those two bucks were in archery only areas. Im going to try and do way more scouting in preparation for next year, but it is so hard to get out in an area that isnt as pressured as the areas I hunt. I am willing to hike into rough terrain and want to get out into areas that are a little more secluded and hike but its hard to get out and hit those areas especially when mom always has to work on weekends and getting a sitter is tough sometimes. Also need to find a good hunting partner as my wife doesnt like me going out alone into areas when there are cats out and about. Hope everyone has had a good season and to all the guys going for the second half of A22 good luck to you all and be safe.