If you looking for non toxic good luck, i couldnt find them. Ddupleks makes some slugs and they promote California DFG approved but no one carries them in SoCal that i have found. I called Turners to see if i could buy online and have them shipped to them for pickup and background check but they said no ammo just firearms. Steel slugs are considered armor piercing and illegal from what i gathered, i found a guy that will cast bismuth slugs for reloading but they tend to break apart before impact. Closest thing I could put together is buckshot in TSS. There are no published loads so it is taking alot of testing. I will get there eventually although the expense is going to far outweigh the benefit. Love of the game i guess. If you come across any let me know, since you have a rifled barrel you may have more options available, i am trying to build something to shoot through a smooth bore.