This cant be good. My understanding is big big changes coming to the imperial valley with as many as 5 super lithium plants planned and some mitigation moneys are being talked about.
It's not good from the rumors I'm hearing. Actually it might be spectacular for some club owners. 200 homes in niland, mitigation for loss of habitat and we need to remember who owns wister, IID, who has its own interests that may or may not align with the refuge. It's never good when newsome shows up.
Ya know people have got lost out there and almost died ! We couldn't be so lucky !!
Joking aside given what I think of this man and his kind; I would relish the idea of having him the blind on one of those Wister mornings where God and His glory are on full display ! What a treat that would be !!
Since he is all about money and he will invest in those mines or get stock for pushing the programs hence his showing up there along with those other politicians. As for hunting and fishing and saving the lake they are all about giving lip service and could really care less. Tell the people what they want to hear and do what makes them the most profits.
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