Now Palm Springs wants to restrict your 2A


Well-Known Member
Can't make this stuff up......

no shooting, recreational or otherwise, would be allowed without written permission of the police chief, except for law enforcement officers firing for practice
I'm almost positive that's illegal. I don't believe city council has the authority of law in any way.

Especially when it comes to jeopardizing private businesses.
I'm I reading this wrong?.....Just a question......I wonder how many people shoot recreationally inside the city limits of Palm Springs?

Cities have had gun & shooting ordinances forever.....Hell, in the City of Escondido you can't even shoot a pellet or BB gun.

Do they really think that gang bangers care about city ordinances.....What a friggin' joke!
This looks like a classic circle jerk to me. These yo-yo's are just getting face time in the local paper. The taxpayers should demand their money back for the time spent.