No problem...Somebody else will have to post pics...I was pretty busy........
I do want to thank give special thanks to all the vendors that showed up.
Tricer, Turner's Outdoors, Willow Creek Archery, Mother Lode Turkey Calls, CRPA, Right to Bear, Perennial Pasture Beef, Fred Perry Taxidermy, San Diego Gun Owners, MCC, Lake Henshaw, VFW Ramona,
Gemini Mfg, Audie the Butcher, Bitterwater Outfitters, SDCWF, Bow Disciples, Chuck Neuneker Turkey Calls, Barrett Lake, and Ducks Unlimited
Thanks to Drain Mob for picking up the tab for all boats and motors used at the Lake Sutherland hunts.
Also, special thanks Dept of Fish & Wildlife, Cleveland National Forest, and the Lake Sutherland staff...Again, thank you all...............