Odd question


Well-Known Member
My daughter has 2 dogs she is very attached to. She recently found out that one of them has cancer & needs to be put down. It's been hard on her but she's been handling it well.

She's decided, & I haven't asked her why yet, but she wants to euro mount his skull & taxidermy one of his paws. Odd I know but if that helps her get through this then so be it.

Would anyone here, or do you know of anyone, who would be willing to do this?
I agree odd. I would just go with cremation and a nice wood urn, One that has place for picture of her pet. I am sorry for her loss, we all know how hard it is.
I don't know anyone who has but I have heard of people who have had their pets mounted after death
Interesting, just saw some talk about the pet euro thing on Taxidermy.Net yesterday.
Apparently it's a thing.