Old Wister - SJ Maps

fish dog

Well-Known Member
Since the season is upon us (almost) I thought some here might like to see these old maps to see how much has changed or hasn't changed. I was cleaning out a bunch of old papers and found these. The Wister map was from the 1985 season. I believe the Finney - Ramer map was from the same season as the shoot times and dates are the same as Wister. I only found the upland map of SJ and there's no date on that but I believe it's from '85 or '86 or close anyway (since they were all together). The Perris hunting map is from the 1986 season. Anyway, enjoy...

Wister map

Wister rules

SJ Upland Map (2 parts since it was on legal sized paper and my scanner couldn't get it all on one page)


Perris Hunting Map

Perris rules

Finney - Ramer Map

Finney - Ramer rules
Wister map tells much.....515 hasn't been hunted in a long time.....The old fish hatchery is now 413 east & west.....114A & B haven't been open for a while.....Y16A is now part reservation campground and Lake Wister.....Y16B is a jungle.....S-22 hasn't been open in years and S-20 only has 2 island blinds, plus 2 goose spots.

Other than that, pretty much the same.....lol