Question about kids and hunting


Oct 26, 2011
Riverside, CA
my sons 6th birthday is coming up, when i asked him what he wants for his birthday he said "HUNTING STUFF" I have taken him hunting with me several times as a tag along when bird hunting, he has a blast but wants to actually hunt. At what age did you guys with kids let your kids start hunting (not just tagging along but actually hunting). My dad let me start hunting squirrels and rabbits when i was about his age but it was a different time and we lived in a place where we could hunt in my backyard.
Any suggestions on what i can get him for his birthday? He requested a new boy (like daddies), a shotgun and a boat LOL i told him those things may be out of my budget (although the wife and i are thinking of getting him the mission craze for xmas)
Great question. I had my son (Johnny aka .308 Master) out in the field at 5 years of age (tagging along) and he carried a Daisy Red Ryder (unloaded). We did this so he could be corrected in the field while "tagging along". At the age of 6 years, for X-mas Santa bought him a Marlin youth .22 (Little Buckaroo) and he scoped it with a Leupold Vari-X III fixed power 4X. Santa also got him a spinning .22 target (which we still have).

At this point he understood the manners of general safety and my buddies and I would have .22 shooting contests with the spinner which he participated in and was enthusiastic about. The lessons continued. I won a 20 gauge Remington Wingmaster Magnum at an SCI banquet and at age seven we converted it into a youth gun by buying a youth stock (which Fred aka Snake Charmer cut down further) and a short barrel along with a Past recoil shoulder harness. We spent countless hours at project 2000 on the 5 stand. He did very well so his hunting career started thereafter. From there he was shooting dove, honkers etc. with that little 20 gauge.

In the meantime he continued to shoot his .22 any chance he could. And for his 12th birthday we went down to Fine Firearms and we purchased him a Remington 700 Youth rifle with plastic stocks in .308 Winchester - topped it off with Warne scope mounts and a Leupold Vari-XIII in 2.5 - 7. Also for his birthday we took him on a real pig hunt in Paso Robles. He slayed his pig (150 yard shot - Barnes X) and that same year he also shot his first elk in New Mexico.

The bottom line is - a kid is not ready until he/she is ready. It is all about the time invested as well as what was retained. My son has been the safest person I have ever hunted with since he stepped into the field (Snake Charmer & Justmygame can attest to that). And I believe it is because of the investment made by me and my hunting partners.

The investment paid off for us, me and my buddies drug that little guy all over the South Western united states, through snow/heat/long road trips etc.- something I will never regret.


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Big game at 12 years old


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Thanks NBK you helped me make my decision, I just went to walmart and got him a red rider, I am gonna take him to a hunters safety course and have him do the classess. I have to say Nothing is more enjoyable then taking my kids hunting and fishing.
My take is to keep it short and sweet at that age. Long trips are not so good unless there's allot of social interaction with other kids included with it. I agree that BB guns and tweety birds are the order of the day. Depending upon their interest level, you want to take them up to rabbits, squirrels and doves around 8-11. Big game at 12 years old is okay as long as their interest level is there and the hunting trips aren't too long.


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My oldest is three soon to be four and the mental prep has been on my mind for my son NBK your sons prep is great advice thanks.
Great pictures and comments guys you all have great families and that are what this site is all about family. I just got home and I am drained but I will circle back on some great pics I have of my son Justin and I which you have seen a few this year on our Utah trip. I can’t wait to meet all of you soon.

John I see a yearend picnic barbeque coming for all our friends and families.
Great stories, I've enjoyed little Johnny from the time he was a diaper boy to current day where I work side by side with him on occasion. Never spawned one myself but I've had the good fortune of participating in the raising of my wife's two boys (currently senior and sophomore) I have had the privilege to be in the right place at the right time when they wanted to shoot their first deer (and the youngest his first turkey) each experience turned out to be extraordinary (I'll write the stories later as they each deserve individual attention and are quite amusing) The best story is I'm going to Ramona tommorow to watch the oldest get his eagle scout badge! (and the youngest is isn't far behind)
Snake Charmer said:
Great stories, I've enjoyed little Johnny from the time he was a diaper boy to current day where I work side by side with him on occasion. Never spawned one myself but I've had the good fortune of participating in the raising of my wife's two boys (currently senior and sophomore) I have had the privilege to be in the right place at the right time when they wanted to shoot their first deer (and the youngest his first turkey) each experience turned out to be extraordinary (I'll write the stories later as they each deserve individual attention and are quite amusing) The best story is I'm going to Ramona tomorrow to watch the oldest get his eagle scout badge! (and the youngest is isn't far behind)
That's Great Snake Charmer, I just signed my sons up for cub scouts, I hope they stick with it long enough to become eagle scouts what a great accomplishment. Congrats to him. My boys have their first meeting tonight. The younger boy (the one mentioned in the OP is all about it the older one wasn't to interested until the scout master at the sign ups showed them they get to build pinewood derby cars and do science experiments.
By reading all the storys made me wanna take my boys to attend hunting class on Jan 7th at Dougs . They have been asked me if they can go with me when I go hunt quails and I wasn't so sure if it is safe to do so. ( I am too new to the sports and only been out twice).
Plan on going out Franch Valley this Saturday to give it a try and will take them both with me.
Do they allow to try shoot my shotgun while we are on the field? Or I should take them to shooting range instead? It is hard to find outdoor shooting range near Anaheim area. The one place I used to go closed couple years ago. Any suggestion? Thanks

How old are the kids Hotchkiss? Are you shooting a 12 gauge and do you have a .22 caliber rifle?
They are 15 and 7. I have a air rifle and 2 12Ga shotguns. I know the Franch Velley only allow shotgun so I will not bring my air rifle to that area I guess.

I was shooting a 12 g as soon as i was big enough to shoulder it properly. There is Prado Olympic shooting range in chino that isn't to far from Anaheim. I think its only $7 for a round of skeet. its right off the 71 and 91 fwy
CaliCreole said:
I was shooting a 12 g as soon as i was big enough to shoulder it properly. There is Prado Olympic shooting range in chino that isn't to far from Anaheim. I think its only $7 for a round of skeet. its right off the 71 and 91 fwy

Thanks CaliCreole for the information. I will look for it online and maybe take kids to the range instead of hunt, Got over 600 old shells like 15 years ago to use for practic. ^^ Hope kids like it.

My boys are 8 and 6 and they have been humping the hills at Pendleton with me deer hunting. My 6 year old absolutely loves hunting and is begging me to go back duck hunting. Like it was stated above they are old enough as long as they are interested and maintain interest. I have a Savage 93R17 and a Marlin 795 that I let them shoot when at the range (usually raahauge's). To be honest I enjoy just being outdoors with my kids than actually filling a tag sometimes. It reminds me of how I grew up in Alabama with Grandpa shooting squirrels, rabbits and robins with the .410.


39 days and a wake up until I'm sitting in a treestand in Perry County Alabama; Whitetail on the menu ;D
Good for you, The whole raising of the next generation process is great to be a part of, Pendleton used to be available to civilians before 9-11. A good friend of mine (ex USMC) hunted it in its golden years and has some great memories. Good luck on the Alabama deer ( we want the story with pic's when you 're done) and thanks for standing the line and watching out for all us civilians.

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