Two of us started our hunt Wed. morning Greg tag out at about 9 AM, There were two other cows in the herd that dropped into a wash so I never got a shot. That Eve we spotted a herd across the meadow at the base of the brush line, guide ranged it at three hundred, wind was crossing at 22 MPH, I was over hood of truck, (no Hatch not out window) resting on backpack, I thought I was in a boat on the ocean with the wind, I took a shot and missed then they moved into brush. He told me he used old range finder because he couldn't find his new one, he dropped it in the front of truck some place so he used old one, when he check with new one, range was actually 515 yards. I told him no biggy, with the wind I likely would have missed at three hundred, but he needs to shitcan old range finder. No luck next morning. Went out that evening and saw nothing we were able to get up on. Just at sunset I spotted one in the brush at 120 yards, my range finder this time. When I finally got a shot they were at 170, only shot I had before they moved into bush and were gone was quartering away shot, so I sent it, heard the thud of impact , she went a few yards and went down. It was well after sunset before we had her field dressed out in 20 deg. temp. We boned them both out early this morning and are now in Kingman for the night, head home early AM to complete trip.
ide note,They had a special res. wide hunt yesterday, when we got to skinning, there were 20+ Elk hanging and 25 trucks with Elk in bed waiting to get in. The kid we were with said F this, I have a shed at my place 2 miles away so went over there and skinned her out.

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