So me and my bro in law drove over to eastern Oregon to shoot "sage rats". They're actually a Beldings ground squirrell about 25% smaller than a California ground sq. They absolutely infest the alfalfa fields so owners allow guides to bring in shooters and pick 'em off. The shooting platform is atop a large truck. There were five of us total shooting. Unlimited number of targets from about 50 yards to as far as you wanted to try. I was shooting a Ruger American .17 HMR and my BIL was shooting a .22LR he custom built. It was pretty damn fun. I used 200 rounds for the day.
The other group was a dad and two boys. They wanted a pic with some carnage so they ran out and collected a few casualties.
The other group was a dad and two boys. They wanted a pic with some carnage so they ran out and collected a few casualties.