Some more Jackrabbits


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2015
Ventura, CA
Hey guys,went to the high desert yesterday to hunt with Jessi (Lefty)and to meet RayK later on in the morning.Jessi and I arrived early at 4:15am to set up our kits and hike into the hunt area.I was using the American Air Arms .357 Slayer and Jessi was using his .22 Cricket Bullpup.We hiked several hundred yards from the truck and waited for the sun to come up hoping to view the amber ears in the distance.We walked around for a bit and I spotted a Jacks ears at 150 or so yards but it soon disappeared behind the thick foliage of Joshua trees.By this time it was close to 7:00am and we packed up to go meet RayK and his collection of Marauders at another location.Spent a bit of time hanging out and shooting a few of the guns he brought including a .25 converted Prod.We all spread out about 40yrds apart and walked towards the North looking for some Jacks moving through the trees,I soon spotted one at 65yrds and was able to take him with the Slayer.What a mess that 138gr(John Cripe)made pellet made.We continued our walk and I soon spotted some amber ears at 60yrds,took aim with the Slayer and TWACK,a 3'long trail of blood.I had wondered why my aim was a bit off and soon noticed I had made the dumb mistake of loading the magazine backwards,not sure how other than just not paying attention.So I guess I was shooting Johns custom boatail wadcutters haha.By this time it was about 10:00am and getting fairly hot,Jacks by now were taking refuge in the shade and a bit harder to find.This desert is very unforgiving to animals and requires a lot of water to survive.Jessi came across a sheep that wasn't so lucky.I had already taken two Jacks so I wanted to focus my energy on helping Ray make his first Jackrabbit kill.I manned the binoculars and picked a spot near where I had made a previous 200yrd kill,offering a good amount of sight and open fields.Ray was eager to learn and followed close behind as I was able to stalk within 95yrds of what I thought was just one Jack.We got within range when I noticed one run away leaving one more in a still position to make a shot,Ray aimed his .25 Marauder and made a flawless headshot at 95yrds.I was as excited as he was being able to witness his first Jackrabbit kill,that smile was well worth the whole day of the trip.By this time it was approaching 3:00pm and we were getting lots of sun and very exhausted from our hiking around in the heat.Jessi was having great luck with the ground squirrels and by this time had killed 6,some as far as 100yrds.We continued for about another hour when I spotted a small size Jack that left me with a good 100yrd shot.The day had ended and we were all left with great memories and may have learned a few things as well.Thanks for checking out the post and hope to bring more soon 8)
Great story and pics. Sounds like you all had a great day. Thanks for sharing.

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