Trump is the man!!!!

My 49ers sucked anyways , lol. No more NFL for me and any other sport that decides to do the same. More time to do stuff around the house and keep hunting and fishing gear ready to go.

Written by a friend of mine....


Somehow, I think that the folks that are concerned with the concussion risks
Inherent in playing football are going to conflate those real evils with those ginned up by Black activist groups with the spotlights on multi-millionaire Black athletes, castigating America as a bastion of racial and economic oppression. The realities of the former, and, the optics of the latter are being addressed and repudiated by America.

This is happening at the same time that the rest of America's disparate demographic elements have found that their "commonsense observations," regarding the causes of poverty are in synch with those of the lefty Brookings Institute, even though the complement of those holding PhDs in the ranks of the Joe sixpacks is a miniscule percentage compared to the eggheads at Brookings. And, what are the magic bullets to end poverty?

1.) Finish High School;
2.) Get a Job; and,
3.) Don't get Pregnant before you are Married.

And, what has Black America done besides voting for Democrats for the last 50+ years, while faltering in some areas, including in all 10 out of 10 metrics during the 8 years of the Obama Presidency?

Black illegitmacy has continued to soar from 20% in 1960 to over 70% when Obama left office. It seems that Black girls have found that "making babies" is a career choice in "The Great Society." Black men, who also have found work in the illicit drug trade, bouyed by price supports from the war on drugs face a higher probability of going to prison than graduating from college. As for getting a job--there are no jobs that pay an unskilled person more than they can scam from welfare--even illegal aliens can scam free healthcare, welfare, and education. Does this sound like systemic racism to you? Sounds like the "entitled" not only wanting, but expecting more free sh@t!

When LBJ realized that an armed resurrection was looming among Blacks, repeatedly denied basic Civil Rights, and that they could not defeat Republican support for the measure, they concocted the Great Society to Defeat it. This is when "free sh@t" was born. LBJ said that he "would have those nigg@@s voting Democratic for the next 200 years. Welfare was liberalized, but elligibility was predicated on not having an able bodied man in the house. Fathers were shown the door as minimum wage, then, as now, was less than welfare--welfare meant more money and one less mouth to feed. And so, a permanent underclass dependent on government aid, attainable by electing Democrats, was born.

The comedic farce of Black millionaire athletes, who likely were familiar with welfare gimmees are arguing that whites are resisting a further redistribution of their wealth as a function of institutionalized racism. Hard to believe you are a 1 percent-er causing all this grief? Despite their wealth, they swallowed the socialist kool aid long ago. They cannot believe that the answer is for Blacks to clean their own houses and not redistribute the wealth of their white neighbors who are now sliding down the economic ladder for the same reason. America voted for Trump, because they had no wealth to spare. Meanwhile, Maduro is wandering around Venezuela looking for wealth to redistribute, because Socialism creates none.

This will not end well for the millionaire football players; parents do not want their children to risk injury in the sport. Pop Warner leagues are suffering and many college programs have been abandoned. And, who wants to go cheer for a bunch of elitist, entitled, multimillionaires?

The old jokes about dumb football players will experience a resurgence, except they will be rich dumb football players. At Thanksgiving we will be glued to the tube, watching people kicking a funny round ball, asking the closest rug rat to explain the rules or what just happened.

Soccer, you dumb asses! That will be your legacy!!
Please folks, Not a good time to show political affiliations or opinions regardless of who did what or why. Lets just try and reach out and heal each other this tragedy, It does no good to support any agenda or person at this moment.