Stared at my buddies in Julian at 6:30am,does started coming through at 7:00 fallowed by a few small bucks,one was ok 3x2.Rain started at 9:00 and never stoped.bailed out at 11:00 and got lunch.Then went to another buddies house 7 miles south of Julian.after washing and drying my cloths.we went down to the oak grove in the pouring rain,we pushed out deer in every direction.So we set up and watched the show,deer every where I looked.Doe city and 4 or5 forkies,then HB came through and cleared the place out.Couldn't get a shot at him.He was 60 yrds twice.Did I say raining sideways?I couldn't of gotten wetter if i jumped in the lake.Then it started snowing.We are at 4700ft and there is currently 3" on the ground.Think I will stay here tonight and spare myself the drive back in the morn in the snow.Hoping for some luck.If HB is around in the morn he might have a problem.If you come up be careful icey roads for sure.Ill report back tomarrow.