I have been hunting G-10 for three years and have not been successful until Sunday. I am from the Midwest and had a lot to learn about hunting in SoCal. This year I put forth the effort and it paid off big time. I could not get out that much the first year because I was working on my Masters and refereeing for my kid’s soccer leagues. The following year I was once again just too damn busy to dedicate the time that was needed. This year I was able to dedicate one day each weekend to get out there. Of course I would not have been successful without the help of my fellow hunters. Especially one great guy that I meet via SCH. Saturday at 0825 I get a text from him that he had shot a forky and needed help getting it out. I got home and told the wife that I had to go. She told me “go get out of here and help him.” She is a great lady. I arrived at about 0930 with my daughter and we dragged him up a huge hill. He was at the processor by 1230 and I was back to running my errands. Sunday morning we went to the same valley that he shot the fork. After a long walk from the trucks my hunting buddy, that’s been with me the past three years, and my daughter sat and waited for the sun to come up. About 0800 we hear three shots a good distance away from another valley. At 0830 a good size doe comes into site at about 300 yards and she is coming our way at a good pace. I start to range her and at 80 yards my buddy takes the shot. MISFIRE!! So I get my gun up and take the shot now she is at 60 yards. She goes down and stays down. We were in a shot gun only area and I am going to invest in rifle barrel with a scope. Now the real work starts. You can see from the pictures that we had to drag her up a huge hill a mountain for me. It took us an hour and a half to get her out and in the truck. On our way out my daughter bumped another doe. We were home and the truck was cleaned up by 1300. What an awesome weekend. I can’t thank the folks on here enough for all the advice and guidance.