I think some of you guys should take it easy on Almasy. Perhaps if he had started with his background and pics, or rephrased his questions, the outcome would have been different, but I feel bad about the reception he received here.
Almasy, it looks like you are serious about hunting, so you should definitely take the hunter safety course (as you said you would). Your questions regarding legalities will be answered, or you will be given the resources you need in order to find those answers. Thank you for asking before proceeding. I met some guys recently who were about to head out into an area with their shotguns where they are not legal, and there are conversations on this website all the time discussing this same thing. Better to ask first.
As for where to hunt, it's not true that nobody will tell you where to hunt- many are willing to help out new hunters. Some of the guys who have replied to this thread help out the noobs all the time. Knowing where you can and can't hunt is probably the #1 problem confronting hunters just getting started in SoCal.
The Hunter safety course will educate you on how to transport your gun, care for the game after shooting, and much more.
Get maps of the Cleveland National Forest, and the Bureau of Land Management maps for your area. Those will get you started.
Go hiking. If you see hunters, stop and talk to them. Ask them what areas nearby are closed to hunting.
Join a club or two. National Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited, etc. If Quail Forever (may not exist anymore) or Pheasants Forever has a chapter near you, join up, and participate in any events (especially work days) that they organize. Make some friends, ask questions. Don't ask for their hunting spots. If they want to take you hunting, let them offer. Ask for information on HOW to determine whether or not it's legal to hunt in a specific area.
If you are persistent, you will find places to hunt, and you will have a lot of new friends and acquaintances who are willing to help.