

You can't kill it from your couch.
So I got a lot of pictures of some shady stuff in my camera. I got in contact with Wess R. Fire management or something through the Cleveland national Forest office in Ramona. I described to him what's going on. He kept trying to make sure I was on public land. I explained where I was once he figured out I was the conversation changed

He started grilling me about why I'm even there. So I told him hunting. Then he tells me it's not legal for me to leave cameras on public land. I told him they are Temporary. He says didn't matter. So they won't help me because it's an illegal Camera.

I'm not saying what I got on camera
If it's something illegal you can get a hold of the sheriff's office.
You have every right to have a camera on public property.
What are they going to do, tell everyone they can't take pictures any more???
????? I don't use language like that but yea WTF. No game cams on public land? Aren't we as hunters on the front line of seeing things and reporting them to the right people? Dfg encourages us to do so then when you do you get told by some jerk about something I've never heard of? I'm pretty sure a call to dfg of DFW what ever it's called this week will confirm we can leave cams up on public land as well as deer stands and take it all down at the end if the season? Ummmm. Was it him on cam doing something wrong?
Jim said:
If it's something illegal you can get a hold of the sheriff's office.
You have every right to have a camera on public property.
What are they going to do, tell everyone they can't take pictures any more???

Key board hunters/detectives. I'm guilty time to time but that's why
So my Buddy called and the Dude is changeing his story Saying he didn't say that cameras are illegal and was super nice and helpful. What's going on here. (I did not blow my lid on the phone either)
He told me that they can't help us because he told me my camera wasn't left there legally. My friend called and said the guy told him the complete opposite and he didn't tell me those things a matter of minutes later. So the guy I orgnally was talking to is in New Mexico so I guess wait till he gets back
I know a lot of you have been wondering what this "shady stuff" is. sometimes sensitivity is required when dealing with things of this nature. Please use discretion when viewing the image below and try to keep this on the DL.

Johnny we are here for you bro,

scroll down to view image. ( view discretion is advised )

Nooooooooooo!!!! :-[. My nightmares have come true awwwwwwww!
Wtf!! That has to be some wierdo in a pink suit. Id like to catch em and whoop his a@*!!
Captaintb said:
Why should we care, If your not gonna give us the whole story?????????????????????????

I remember asking anyone to care. I just typed out a tread. I'm not happy with how the Office handles shit that should be in there job discripion. I don't need to say what's out there besides it's greatly effecting the number of critters in the area.
Hope it's a family of bears. Probably not, but it'd be cool if there were! Hope I get to hear the story or see the pics one day Johnny.