Vaccinated People…

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One of the many parts of healing is truth and not being afraid to throw it out there to the world...I hear you brother....and am with you every step of the way..
Healing is over rated. Now lying out your ass is where it's at. Ask a women how much see weights and see what she has to say.
One must comply....or else ..


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Ok, one of you computer masters. find Israels COVID rate Vaxed vs unvaxed, I just say a chart based on age groups, and the number of cases per group. if that is an accurate report, you will be surprised. the dates were 7-4 thru7-31.
Nice @JakeSCH.

@longbeard55 I need your honest opinion. How come the CDC, media, our leaders of this nation doesn’t tell people to quit suckin down soda and eating processed sugars, along with getting there fat ass off the couch and walk a few minutes every night?

excerpt here- “ if you suffer from a lack of play from your gal/partner, try loosing some weight… maybe make it a goal to see your tinny ass pipe when you look down when you piss unless you sit.. that being said, might turn your partner on if she/he doesn’t see you wippin the piss off the shitter every morning due to poor aiming ability from lack of pipe control..

my 2 cents.
They should. But a lot of companies make a lot of money from people eating crap, eating often, selling bad diet programs/supplements, health coverage, etc. And doesn't our idiot government still subsidize growing of mostly corn/processed into sugars that's put into most everything.
80 deaths in a state the size of Arizona, lol. They have that many die everyday from other causes. Nobody gives a shit though because it’s not scary.
Anyone being forced to get the jab for fear of losing their livleyhood?
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