Alec Baldwin…..Change my Mind

25 years ago my friend’s mom made fake food (dinner plates with various entrees) for the movie industry. If they had fake food in movies all the way back then, they certainly should have fake guns in movies by now.
I was 14 years old, right out of Hunter Safety. Brent, Noel, and I were heading out to Noel's alfalfa field to hunt rabbits and I heard a "bang!" Brent fell to the ground. I saw a little spot of blood just above the right back pocket of his Levi's. No big deal, just a scratch. Turned out the bullet [22 LR] was a traveler and tore up his intestines. Brent survived, but it had an impact on me, a little kid and my first hunting trip without adult supervision and my best friend gets his guts shot up. In the USMC, there were a number of "Negligent Discharges" and some people killed or hurt, after all that training, particularly with the 45 pistol. I ALWAYS have the safety on, even if alone. I also won't tolerate anyone who points a muzzle at me or anyone who hunts with me with the safety off. Steve [ilovesprig] kindly took me turkey hunting last April and while we were walking to our stand, the first thing he asked was, "Safety on?" My response, "Yeah. Yours?" I can still see Brent on the ground, squirming around and staring blankly into space.

Baldwin was not trained properly. If any of you old farts have kids in the military, ask them what they do immediately when handed a weapon. Guaranteed their response will be to make sure that it is either loaded or unloaded and then proceed accordingly.

Interesting side note. My wife and I were in Wash DC a couple weeks ago and watched the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. When the guards met and the M14 was exchanged, the incoming guard made quite a show of verifying that the rifle SHE was receiving was unloaded.

Be safe out there.
I was 14 years old, right out of Hunter Safety. Brent, Noel, and I were heading out to Noel's alfalfa field to hunt rabbits and I heard a "bang!" Brent fell to the ground. I saw a little spot of blood just above the right back pocket of his Levi's. No big deal, just a scratch. Turned out the bullet [22 LR] was a traveler and tore up his intestines. Brent survived, but it had an impact on me, a little kid and my first hunting trip without adult supervision and my best friend gets his guts shot up. In the USMC, there were a number of "Negligent Discharges" and some people killed or hurt, after all that training, particularly with the 45 pistol. I ALWAYS have the safety on, even if alone. I also won't tolerate anyone who points a muzzle at me or anyone who hunts with me with the safety off. Steve [ilovesprig] kindly took me turkey hunting last April and while we were walking to our stand, the first thing he asked was, "Safety on?" My response, "Yeah. Yours?" I can still see Brent on the ground, squirming around and staring blankly into space.

Baldwin was not trained properly. If any of you old farts have kids in the military, ask them what they do immediately when handed a weapon. Guaranteed their response will be to make sure that it is either loaded or unloaded and then proceed accordingly.

Interesting side note. My wife and I were in Wash DC a couple weeks ago and watched the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. When the guards met and the M14 was exchanged, the incoming guard made quite a show of verifying that the rifle SHE was receiving was unloaded.

Be safe out there.


Sometimes it's a little embarrassing asking someone our age, if their safety is on (and no disrespect intended)...But 2 of the 3 guys that discharged their shotguns while hunting, were our age...All hunted with their safeties OFF....... :confused:

ps...One of them blew his toe off in a layout blind.....:scream:
25 years ago my friend’s mom made fake food (dinner plates with various entrees) for the movie industry. If they had fake food in movies all the way back then, they certainly should have fake guns in movies by now.
Many fake guns ARE used in movies, especially ones when actors are "fighting" over it. Pretty much every gun in a movie, that isnt actively shot, is a fake gun. The reason real guns with blanks are still used is because it is extremely difficult, if not fully impossible, to get an actor to reproduce the correct bodily response to recoil while holding a rubber gun and saying "bang bang." If I have to take a test, AND demonstrate in front of a licensed gun dealer my ability to safely handle a firearm, just to purchase one, actors should be required to learn and prove safe handling and use as well.
I've never understood hunting with your safety off. Unless you're walking around with your gun shouldered, ready to fire, at all times, it doesn't save any time over having the safety on and clicking it off as you raise the gun to your shoulder. If you have any coordination at all by the time the gun hits your shoulder the safety will be off.
I've never understood hunting with your safety off. Unless you're walking around with your gun shouldered, ready to fire, at all times, it doesn't save any time over having the safety on and clicking it off as you raise the gun to your shoulder. If you have any coordination at all by the time the gun hits your shoulder the safety will be off.
ESPECIALLY with rifles, all of which come with safetys on them. I can understand some modern polymer firearms (Glock, Springfield, etc) that have only a trigger safety which can catch on something or a Springfield which has the handle safety. Every rifle I have ever seen has a mechanical safety on it, switch it on and off, as opposed to just push something in. like the trigger/handle safetys.
Charges should be brought on several people, anyone who had a responsibility of the armory and its contents, Baldwin included.
unfortunately with video games we are teaching our youngsters the guns are toys and you can be reckless with them, we have been de sensitizing them on shooting people and death.
It is sad because he will most likely walk and be laughing at the whole issue. Question would you put your good money down on a bet that he would never point a weapon at some one else again without checking it first ? (only if he goes to jail)
Charges should be brought on several people, anyone who had a responsibility of the armory and its contents, Baldwin included.
unfortunately with video games we are teaching our youngsters the guns are toys and you can be reckless with them, we have been de sensitizing them on shooting people and death.
It is sad because he will most likely walk and be laughing at the whole issue. Question would you put your good money down on a bet that he would never point a weapon at some one else again without checking it first ? (only if he goes to jail)
He’s a member of the elite left.
My guess is. He goes through the court system with a slap on the wrist.
He’s a member of the elite left.
My guess is. He goes through the court system with a slap on the wrist.
Jussie got 5 convicted on 5 felony counts, I could see Baldwin getting some sort of jail time, especially as the exec producer AND the guy pulling the trigger. Exec producer is liable for everything that occurs on set.
I can't believe a Democrat actually had charges. What's this world comming to