I’ve wanted to learn the art of hand loading ever since I had my first custom rifle build a couple years ago. It was something that seamed daunting because I have absolutely zero experience and zero equipment to do so but @NBK convinced me to consider it… so I listened and started to buy equipment and built a small bench. John has been extremely generous with his time and has guided me through the process of developing several loads, starting low and working upwards. Well, the outcome is something I would have never imagined possible, especially on the first go round! Now, I will say this needs to be proven out past 100 yds but I’m really excited from the initial results! I would probably still be learning how to seat primers if left to learn on YouTube so thank you John!!!
7 Rem Mag
155 hammer hunter
Reloader 23
ADG brass
Federal match primers

7 Rem Mag
155 hammer hunter
Reloader 23
ADG brass
Federal match primers