Any ideas of where to start looking further north? I don't mind driving an hour or two for a hunt. I just don't even know where to start out here. It's not like back home in Alabama where most everyone I know either has some land to hunt on or knows someone that does.
Not to rez a dead thread, but I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can hunt some hogs? Not looking for your sweet spots or anything. Just looking to find out where it's legal to hunt for these suckers. I don't wanna just go trouncing off the side of the road only to get snatched up by the...
Hey all, I'm interested in doing some bear hunting on big bear this year and was wondering, How hard is it to get a bear tag? And how much does it cost?
Even though I joined last year I didn't actually make it to the Southern California area in time to get tags for hunting season. So I still haven't went hunting out here yet.
Anyway I'm from Alabama and most of the hunting I've done back home was on a friend or family member's land. So I guess...
I live in the Camp Pendleton/Oceanside area and need to re-zero my 30-06. The scope shifted in transit from Alabama to California when I came out here. I'd like to zero it at 200yds but the only place I know of is Iron Sights with an indoor 25yd range.
Also bonus question, what is the typical...
Hey guys,
As the days count down for when I get to California I'm looking at expanding my gun selection. My question to you fine gentlemen is this. Do you know if there is a restriction on capacity for pump-action shotguns? Main reason I ask is cause I'm looking at getting a Mossberg 500 with a...
Yea but I'm stuck in Okinawa at the moment and can't really just go out and buy from a gun show (seeing as how guns are illegal here). And I didn't wanna dump $300-500 all at once on ammo. This way I can grab about 250rds every pay check until I get back state side.
I just picked this one up:
Haven't gotten a chance to use it yet though so I can't really give you much of an opinion on it.
Found a site with some pretty good deals. Figured I'd post it for the rest of my fellow hunters.
When you guys buy in bulk where do you usually get it from? I'm looking for 30-06, .45 ACP and .30 Carbine. Just been looking around but so far the best deal I've seen for 30-06 is $182 for 200 rds.
Oh and btw I'm looking for simple target ammo. Doesn't need to be anything for hunting or the...
Hi-Points are pretty good. They get a lot of crap for being cheap guns but I like mine. Never had a problem with it and I can hit what I'm aiming at with it. Main reason I got it was because it was a .45 and I could get it for $110.
My main complaint with the gun is that it is MASSIVE and feels...
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