Take em your not going to win this one! haha.I live on wild game. Got no problem shooting a spike.Got more heads hanging on my wall than most.The DGF puts antler restrictions in place for a reason.If there were too many juvenile deer being taken the tag numbers would go down or the antler...
don't get me wrong...we have a pretty respectable trophy room and there's nothin more exciting and rewarding than killin something with a big ol rack...but if my freezer's gettin close to empty I can guarantee i'm gonna let some lead fly..Take ems post has nothing to do with being a true hunter...
sorry Take em but being a true hunter has nothing to do with antler size...your beef is not true hunter vs."non true hunter".. your beef is meat hunter vs. trophy hunter.Not everybody is a trophy hunter.
I have a client starting friday in unit 10. First day of scouting turned up nothing but tracks and 2 cows.But a 25 mile drive to a new area turned up 17 bulls in 5 hours of glassing. I just hope this hunter has some realistic expectations cuz I didn't see any 400's
i've shot both elk and deer out to 70 yards and thats about as far as I feel comfortable shooting..but thats probably because I don't practice too much(I love to hunt but not to big on going out and shooting)but just like NBK said you shouldn't fling any arrows unless you've got an ethical shot...
It's an XLNT spotting scope.and I'll say this my guide boss has a Zeiss spotting scope that costs a fortune i'm guessing..after looking through both side by side..the Razor is....BETTER!
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