Not going to make it to Vermont to hunt next fall, so I might try a small local trip. I have an offer from a local over there in AZ to go with him for Coues down in 34 A or B, I think. Whatever is near the border in the Sonoita/Nogales/Huachuca area.
Wouldn't be able to take too much time off, but since it's only 7 hours or so, I figure I could zip over and hunt 2 1/2 days. Would you guys/gals do it, if you were with a local with some area knowledge? Quick over and back weekend?
Wouldn't be able to take too much time off, but since it's only 7 hours or so, I figure I could zip over and hunt 2 1/2 days. Would you guys/gals do it, if you were with a local with some area knowledge? Quick over and back weekend?