I have asked Fortune Sportfishing for next Aug, Sept, Oct. schedule. I 'll be looking at 1.5 or two day trips. So far I have from SCH, Stalker00, SnakeCharmer, JakeSCH, x2, Bowuntr, Truduct, Geappetto and Yeti. I think I can come up with at least two more guys so, that would put us at 11 guys.I have fished the Fortune around 30 times both out of Fishermans and 22nd. St. and never had anything but a nice trip, we didn't always get fish but they put in the effort. This last rip out was with new owner and crew and I was a little concerned but they proved they were as good as old owner and crew. The boat will be coming out of water when it comes back up north for a complete overhaul. Let me know your preference, 1.5 or two day. I will let you know dates when I hear back from Trish.