I took a Break From Ducking and Quail . I decided to hit a local creek and take advantadge of the many inches of rain that we had . River was blown out early on . I waited a few days for it to clear up a bit . Saturday water was up and had some good color , and was on the drop but flowing well . First 3 trout were 6 to 9 inches . So at this point I'm excited . Trout number 4 was a submarine ,pictured next to my hand . So I just had released a trout about 9 inches and this hen jumps on the line ! The day seemed to be a mix small and some large class fish . I did a video of another brute trout that was fatter than the fish in the picture . Some how it did not come out , I Was looking forward to posting it . Biggest trout were 18 to 19 inches , one went 16 inches , another was 14 inches , another went 13 inches . I unhooked 14 trout . I had barbless hooks and I let all the fish go unharmed . I seemed to be the only one fishing ,i thought it was odd .