Buckhunter here is one back at you. Do you think it is right for a single hunter to hang oh say 40 stands on public land? It is public land now but by doing so would you limit yourself from placing a stand in a nearby location? Anyone who has hunted the Lagunas has seen all of the wooden tree stands that Gavin placed up there. Now knowing that, do you feel he has staked a claim on which you dare not infringe. I'm not saying that this is the case for Capt but knowing that many people hang three or more stands I can understand why people will hang another stand nearby. Also by leaving a stand on public land you've staked a claim to something that doesn't belong to you. I've hunted in areas for entire seasons and have seen stands that I never once saw a person sit in. I understand Capts frustration as I have experienced the same thing but I also understand the other side of the story. As far as the truck analogy the truck left parked is legal but the tree stands aren't supposed to be left up... So no I would frown on someone using my truck or my wife for that matter. No one tell her I mentioned the truck first.