Hello All, I hope you have all been enjoying some good hunting this year, big or small. I am new to hunting. I have been shooting and interested in hunting for a long, long, long time but, I have never had the time to go hunting until this current year. I'm looking for any hints and or clues as to where I might try for rabbits inside or outside of LA co. but hopefully not too far outside
. I'm not asking for, nor would I ask for, anyone to give up their "honey holes" or "special areas" but instead just general areas of land that may offer some opportunities. I have done lots of research and mapping but only online, and to be honest, I can't make heads or tails or where one can legally hunt and where one can't. So, any in the field tips or hints or just general info would be greatly appreciated. I have a .22 Marlin and a Rem 870 20ga but I would prefer to use the .22. My shotgun shooting still needs some practice, especially if I'm trying to hit a running cottontail. So outside LA co might be more useful to me. Thank you for allowing me in to this group and I wish you all the best. P.S. this is my first post so if I've done anything wrong or offended anyone in any way, I'm sorry. Thank you again.