Breaking in the new vest

Can't find birds behind the computer screen. Get out there and hunt. Trying to find the birds is half the fun.

Internet scouters be like...

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I've always been willing to point a guy in the right direction when approached privately, but to blow out a spot by posting the location on a public forum full of internet scouters just isn't wise. The fact that some of you would try to do just that is discouraging. There are birds out there. Lots of them. But you won't find them sitting behind a computer.

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It's all in fun (guessing).........Talking about or pin pointing a spot IS the cardinal sin of the internet.....Or even to friends who didn't show you the spot.
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I've always been willing to point a guy in the right direction when approached privately, but to blow out a spot by posting the location on a public forum full of internet scouters just isn't wise. The fact that some of you would try to do just that is discouraging. There are birds out there. Lots of them. But you won't find them sitting behind a computer.

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You answered the guy who asked for your general area...The rest of us are just poking fun. I personally don't care where you hunt, but your right, the internet is a very public not private thing.
i have a few nice fields picked out from Google earth, dated 1996, im sure they are still cotton lol.
When someone asks me I tell them exactly where my "secret" spot is. Once they see the 5 rough miles into, another handfull of miles hiking while hunting and then the rough 5 miles out they never show up. ha