Bumped doe in D11


New Member
Went out today in D11 archery only area with a late start. Got to the start of my area at sunrise but decided to sit tight for a while. After no luck I decided to walk down the ridge I am on after 12 noon knowing the wind changes direction around this time, so I am able to walk basically the entire ridge with the wind in my face. At about 2pm I get to this bush and stop to glass and I hear some noise below and sure enough I see a doe hopping away from me.

My mistake was that I was walking too fast and bumped the doe. I don't think it saw me as I stopped right behind the bush. I pretty much had almost perfect conditions as the wind was to my face, so I know the doe didn't wind me.

There is some good sign on and along the ridge, with fresh tracks and droppings along with bedding areas near a decent amount of scrub oak (not sure if correct name) with a good amount of acorns.

I have both an A31 and AO tag, so I can take both a buck and/or doe. This is my first archery season so I know I need to work on my stalking skills as today was a good indicator. I have been out almost every weekend since archery opener with no luck, seen nothing but signs except for today. I was almost giving up hope but today I got some good motivation even though I bumped a doe in which I could have potentially harvested if I had slowed down.

My question is, do I go back to the same area tomorrow morning before sunrise (no late start) or do I wait to give the area some time before going back?
Went back this morning, no sign of the doe. Going to leave that area alone for a bit. Before leaving for the day, I decided to scout some new spots. Right around sunset I spot this buck, but couldn't count the points as it was getting dark and my 10x42's weren't picking up enough light to see. I was glassing from the road but he didn't move, I guess he either saw me or was waiting until it got dark to move. I want to say he was about a click out, so it is promising that they are out there.