Took my first buck with a rifle and my second buck ever! Got up as high as we could opening morning to a meadow below the top of a mountain. I spotted two does out feeding chasing each other around. Then two more does and then two bucks! A descent 3x3 and this great 4x4! We get up to the tree Line and the buck is about 500 yards away! I try to sneak across the meadow that had lots of little valleys in it. I get to another little treee line and range him again at 400. The does start going up some steep nasty stuff and around a bend and he starts to folllow. I rush to get my bipod set up, kneel down and rush to find him in the crosshairs. I figure he’s about 420-430 because he’s following the does around the Bend. The last doe goes around the bend and he stops for a second and I think to myself if I don’t shoot now I may never see this buck again so I squeeze the trigger and thwack! He rolls about 30 yards down the steep mountain he got up I send two more follow up shots. Couldn’t tell if I hit or not. I get across the valleys in the meadow where I last saw him and see a doe come back and look right where the buck is in some oak brush. I hurry up and finish him off as he was hurt bad! I got to about 50 yds and got it done ASAP
I am so excited about this guy! I set the bar pretty high
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I am so excited about this guy! I set the bar pretty high

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