Depends how you look at it you use to have to front the tag fees now you just have to have a license and pay $9 per species and if you draw then you pay the tag fee. I think the license was like $80
New for this year... you have to pay for a point. If you opt out you will not get a point. Total BS... Ed F
New for this year... you have to pay for a point. If you opt out you will not get a point. Total BS... Ed F
Exactly what I thought as well .Yes. A lot of guys are saying they aren't going to pay the fee, but who knows in actuality. I paid. I figure in 3 years when they switch it again I would rather not be behind on points.
Wouldn’t it be 400 per species 1200 for all three species to be able to even draw a tag ?Yeah the $100 point for sheep/goat/moose bothers me. The rest of the species I felt were reasonable but that’s a lot of money. And for the first three years you’re not even eligible to draw. By the fourth year when you can potentially draw, but likely won’t, you’re 1200 bucks in per species. That’s a hard no for me.
Wouldn’t it be 400 per species 1200 for all three species to be able to even draw a tag ?
No. You are only handicapped for 3 years. You can pull a tag with 3 PP and 0 weighted. I thought the same previously, but look at the draw results. People pull tags with 0 weighted points.
That means that years 4 and 5 mean the same thing. If they dont divide by 0, then that is the same as 1 weighted point.
Wouldn’t it be 400 per species 1200 for all three species to be able to even draw a tag ?
WTF!...Now I know why I don't do this........
ps...$1000.00 combo tag in Montana....Any elk, any deer, upland, and fishing....And a drawing that everyone gets drawn (heard last that did not happen tho)
That’s why I don’t do any of the “special” hunts. Ed do you have points in UT for Buffalo? Have you seen that Henry mountain bow hunt they have now. I think you can draw it with about 18 points. Randy Newburgh hunted it last season it looked great free range buffalo with a bow.I've been applying for sheep and goat in Colorado for over 25 years... and have not drawn a tag. A combination of bad luck and a bad draw system. The number of tags has dropped and the number of applicants has gone through the roof. The changes in the last 2 years have skyrocketed the # of applicants 700% in some cases. Now the point fee is just a racket for F&G $$$. I hate be a Debby Downer.... but it is what it is. Colorado is a great place to hunt but I would discourage you from getting involved in the sheep/goat/moose rat race. Ed F
I've been applying for sheep and goat in Colorado for over 25 years... and have not drawn a tag. A combination of bad luck and a bad draw system. The number of tags has dropped and the number of applicants has gone through the roof. The changes in the last 2 years have skyrocketed the # of applicants 700% in some cases. Now the point fee is just a racket for F&G $$$. I hate be a Debby Downer.... but it is what it is. Colorado is a great place to hunt but I would discourage you from getting involved in the sheep/goat/moose rat race. Ed F