I am writing concerning the upcoming Wildlife and Resource committee meeting on January 15th.
I will be unable to attend this meeting, due to work obligations.
Reading over the agenda, I see a large number of regulation changes that would adversely affect predator and non-game animal management practices through California. I am opposed to all regulation changes suggested by the HSUS (a known anti hunting organization), to the Department of Fish and Wildlife
These proposed regulation changes based on political demands of organizations with anti hunting agendas, not sound wildlife management science.
Further regulations changes concerning the take of non game species will adversely affect hunting opportunities in California, with no positive outcome for California wildlife management. Further regulation changes will have the affect of driving California hunters out of state, as well as their license revenue, which will have a negative effect on the CA DFW budget.
Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion to the committee.
Best regards
Here was my letter. Lets see who else can crank one out! remeber, use spell check, be polite (I Know its hard) and state a clear opinion.
Dont mean to throw my weight around as a new guy here, but after the whole MLPA thing went down, well put up or shut up...