I drew my first out-of-state tag in AZ so the non-hunting wife came along mostly out of curiosity. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I rented her some Vortex 18x's and a Sirui tripod from Rent Outdoor Gear and off we went. On opening day at first light we saw four deer at a spot I had marked on the map, I stopped the truck as soon as I saw them (dumb move) and they bolted. We hiked out a few miles after them but they were long gone. After hiking and glassing for most of the day, I noticed she wasn't patient enough for big-game hunting and was sad this might be the first and last time she'll go with me. The next day we checked out a new area that was more suitable for road hunting than hiking, so we did a lot of glassing from the truck. Suddenly she was in high spirits and was really into it, apparently having the truck a few feet away is a game changer. Our experience turned into tag soup, but I told her I'm not bringing her on future backpack hunts -- but for road hunting she is welcome. She didn't dispute the suggestion, then got upset that I didn't shoot the deer from the truck on opening day.
Now that I know what kind of hunter she is, I plan on buying her the Outdoorsmans Window Mount so she can glass from the comfort of the truck. Too much money spent on ultralight backpacking gear, sheesh.
Now that I know what kind of hunter she is, I plan on buying her the Outdoorsmans Window Mount so she can glass from the comfort of the truck. Too much money spent on ultralight backpacking gear, sheesh.

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