Im in laguna 3 days fri-sat-sun friday no sight in the morning on my area too hot, afternoon I saw a 3x3 from blind 60 yds he moves too fast I try like youtube videos Beeeeee.... nothing he never stop , I see him feeding 140 yds away.
Saturday nothing in all morning from treestand , afternoon bact to blind and saw 4 does with 4 fawns at 29 yds for 20 min.
And my best day of season was yesterday morning I got a blind that I have on a ridge at 7:00 1 doe and fawn come from right at 10 yds doe feeding on acorns fawn take some interest on blind he come at 6 yds they be there for 40 min feeding then a spike come from right he make a scrape and he feed to for 15 min then doe and fawn gone to the right 5 later a spike start moving to riht too in that moment Im looking trought the mesh on my right window how is gone and never know that at 10 yds on mi left on my shooting lane was a big fork , so when i turn head to left i just see a white tail on the ride side of my window so back to right and I see the big fork he stop just 30 seconds in that moment I try to pick up my quiver and change my mechanical broadhead for fixed to try to shoot trough the mesh but not enough time hes gone. I want to cry a lot on that moment, cant be possible worst luck ever.
So leave to eat and back same blind at 3 nothing move at 6 Im out the blind and move to the top of ridge I see 5 does no bucks them back to car.
The good think about this Now is the buck scent that I use like cover scent work perfect , I have a trailcam in front of all the action on my right side so I should you the buck next week .
I saw a guy last week he take a small fork on laguna and other friend take a fork on Pine valley.
I back thursday.