Hunting alone if your under 18


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody as some of you may know I'm not an adult yet ( I'm 17) I was wondering if anybody knows if you need to hunt with an adult if your under 18. And also if it is legal then can you hunt alone during the junior turkey season? Only wondering because my dad has stuff going on that weekend and I would love to get out there so hopefully it is. I just don't want to get a big fat ticket.

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Well Luke.......If it is, I broke the law a lot as a kid....... ;)

Perfectly legal as far as I can tell.....Now the fact that you probably drive and would have a gun in the car might be another issue.
ilovesprig said:
Well Luke.......If it is, I broke the law a lot as a kid....... ;)

Just checked and there were a lot less laws back in 1935
Penal code 27500 and 27505 address this specifically. I'd read all the way through 27590 so you are well informed.

I would say if you choose to drive with a hunting fire arm in the car make sure it's locked up very well and the ammo to. Both out of reach and out of site. Firearm in the trunk if available. It's not law but just might keep you out of Trouble.
GSP I get where your going but if it's not the law I wouldn't do it.....we still have some rights and we don't need give in.

I'd definitely would print those sections and have them with you so if the cop is not up to speed you can show him your legal.
I agree with adults doing exactly what they want within the law. i agree we need to use our rights it was just a suggestion to a minor (under 18) Id make the same suggestion to my 17 year old son.

On a side not we with a hunting or fishing license have the right under penal code 12027 to carry a concealable hand gun on our person while driving to or from a hunting/fishing outing. But i don't, and i would not recommend it. but i could.
GSPman said:
I agree with adults doing exactly what they want within the law. i agree we need to use our rights it was just a suggestion to a minor (under 18) Id make the same suggestion to my 17 year old son.

On a side not we with a hunting or fishing license have the right under penal code 12027 to carry a concealable hand gun on our person while driving to or from a hunting/fishing outing. But i don't, and i would not recommend it. but i could.

Still needs to be unloaded! That's the law.
My son Matt did last fall as a Jr but he was 18 I had this same question a while back and the hunting part is not a problem. You could get in trouble for having a firearm while driving if you run into a LEO with a tude. They are not likely to stop you just for that. All that being said if Matt's is available he would definitely hunt with you.
Thank you for all the info. I found someone to hunt with lets just say I'm gonna put one on the ground with sdbirds

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Keep a eye on that sdbirds guy..... I think BP is watching him