Whoo lawdy you ain't lyin'! Then I had to yell out angrily to let them know he (later found out it was a *she*, dudes 14-15yo daughter) was pointing their rifle right at me! Didn't wanna give away my position, but had to! Long story shorter a 2x2 had cross the road over into this area and made it's way near to where I was at as they rolled up. Maybe 2 min later... POW!!!.,.. Me- Jumping in my skin "What The!?!?" The shot hit not far behind me. Maybe 15-20yds! Turns out this lil buck was 20yds upwind of me. I'm on a slope it curves more up to flat where he was so I wouldn't have seen him. Lot more to that story, but yeah. Her first buck too.
Let's just say I learned my ghillie suit is damn good... but that an Orange hat probably would have been damn better.