At first glance I wouldn't expect the watershed of the area to fill 1.5 acre feet there so I'm guessing the aquaduct might be used but I really haven't a clue. Didn't give enough detail to make a good judgement so could of gone either way as to it being good or a waste of money on something that wouldn't get filled ever.Here is a link to democrats killing 2 dams.
Sen. Nielsen’s Water Bill Killed: ‘It’s Absurd and Irresponsible’
As California’s precious water continues to be flushed out to sea, Democrats today killed Senate Bill 890, a measure Senator Jim Nielsen (R-Red Bluff) authored to secure funding to build and repair critical water infrastructure.“Another historic drought, billions in extra funding and legislative
Agree rainfall and snowmelt cannot fill existing water storage but what is wrong with capturing more in future projects. Then when rainfall exceeds our current storage it is not flushed to the ocean. Guess that does not make sense
Why build something a certain size if it'll only ever be partially filled. Just make it smaller to begin with. Also keep in mind the compounding effect that additional dams would have. Each one is taking water from another so you start to get a sort of diminishing returns in shared watersheds. That article you linked is discuss the water in urban watersheds being wasted which I completely agree with. It's completely stupid that we all these stupid concrete channels diverting water out to the ocean as fast as possible. Not to mention the damage it's done to habitat etc. Look how tiny, small, and ruined most stream and river outlets look like now compared to what they must of been like over a century ago.If there was infrastructure in place we could at least partially fill reservoirs, if we had them. If you had a lake/dam the size of Diamond Valley and it was filled to even 1/4 of Diamond Valley's capacity that would be 200,000 acre-feet or 65 BILLION gallons of water. If we'd spent the money used on the train to nowhere ($105 BILLION) and built reservoirs even half the size of Diamond Valley over the last 23 years (Diamond Valley was the last one built in 1999) and we were only able to fill them halfway we could have had 17 reservoirs with 65 BILLION gallons of water each or 1.105 TRILLION gallons of water even if they cost us twice as much as Diamond Valley did. Also, to contribute to solving another problem that would also be 17 dams producing who knows how much electricity, clean hydroelectric electricity, 24/7/365. The average water use per person per day in Commiefornia is 48 gallons. Commiefornia's population is 39.35 million. 39.35 x 48 = 1.888 billion gallons per day. 1.105 Trillion / 1.888 billion = 585 days worth of water. That doesn't even count the water storage we already have in the state. Where would the water come from?... ...but...hey, we have a train you can maybe eventually ride from Bakersfield to Fresno so who needs water.
Hit the nail on the head.The politicians in Sacramento are creating the water crisis for financial gain.
These same politicians are considering buying rice farmland to grab their water rights and turn the field fallow, just like Feinstein did in the IV for San Diego City water
Are you seeing a pattern yet?
I never said it would ONLY be partially filled. Obviously, there will be wet years where they would be completely filled. I was making the point that even with a drought and the ability to maybe only fill them halfway AT THIS TIME how much water storage we might have even in a year with scarce water. Just think how much we would have had, and could carry over in a wet year if we had somewhere to put it..Why build something a certain size if it'll only ever be partially filled. Just make it smaller to begin with. Also keep in mind the compounding effect that additional dams would have. Each one is taking water from another so you start to get a sort of diminishing returns in shared watersheds. That article you linked is discuss the water in urban watersheds being wasted which I completely agree with. It's completely stupid that we all these stupid concrete channels diverting water out to the ocean as fast as possible. Not to mention the damage it's done to habitat etc. Look how tiny, small, and ruined most stream and river outlets look like now compared to what they must of been like over a century ago.
It was supposed to open but I haven't heard anyone say they hunted it and no results up on their website yet. That (the website) doesn't mean much though since they usually post any results on Monday after the hunt or even a couple of days later, depending on when they get to it.Did Kern open this weekend?
Kern did open this past Saturday. 3.35 average.