I am trying to find a reputable guide to go turkey hunting with, after opening weekend in November. I'd trust recommendations here better than Google!
Hi ZackI am trying to find a reputable guide to go turkey hunting with, after opening weekend in November. I'd trust recommendations here better than Google!
Relatively cheap is a relative term.....They get about $450.00 per day with a 2 or 3 day minimum.
Geeze Lee.....The advice was, he would have to go north.....BECAUSE THERE"S NO GUIDES IN SD AND MOST FOLkS DON"T RECOMMEND FALL HUNTING ANYWAY.....That's about as plain as advice as you can get.
If he wants to hunt the spring.....That's a whole other ball game and there's much that can be done locally.....He has not responded to said advice.
Well I doubt free is good. But for a newbies who have no experience.
And have a guide teach them the ropes yes it is. By the time they scout and go out every week end spending$$$$$$$ . On gas food and time only to get frustrated. With no bird. It can be a wasted f_n time.
$400 can easily be spent.
Here is guy trying to learn the ropes.
I don't hear constructive advice.
I greatly appreciate the advice and guidance! I had no idea about the recommendation to refrain from Fall hunts, and I will certainly take this into account. I would love to spend the fall 'learning' and then get serious during the Spring season.Geeze Lee.....The advice was, he would have to go north.....BECAUSE THERE"S NO GUIDES IN SD AND MOST FOLkS DON"T RECOMMEND FALL HUNTING ANYWAY.....That's about as plain as advice as you can get.
If he wants to hunt the spring.....That's a whole other ball game and there's much that can be done locally.....He has not responded to said advice.
Relatively cheap is a relative term.....They get about $450.00 per day with a 2 or 3 day minimum.
When I was in Kansas....Guides or outfitters got $650.00 a day.....3 day minimum
ps.....The state (DFW) offers a number of hunts on a draw basis at no charge (Spenceville W.A. for example)
True that. My best forest nap sessions are always during spring turkey season. I have my own favorite nap rock.Also it’s kind of hard to take a turkey nap in the fall. Requires to much walking to fall asleep.
Are these guys any good?
$400.00 a day
I found an other outfit for semi guided for $250.00 per day
Some where at this price
highest was $750. Per day, 2 hunter minimum.