My son got his first elk tag this year and like Hatch we were in the best state in the west. It was a quick hunt and we were done by Friday afternoon with sore backs and smiles. It was super cool to see him back out in the field a little stronger a little taller and just as hungry for the outdoors and pretzels as I could hope for. We hunt an old burn scar and its just a matter of getting some elevation and finding them. He seems to understand and be able to apply everything I'm teaching him about shooting, hunting, and the outdoors. He had his own pack, tri-pod, gun, was checking wind and just loving it all. We found a cow with at about 800 yards away and was able to get to another ridge. I thought it would cut the distance in half but I guess I miss judged and we ended up at 583. She bedded and my longtime friend Sean set up his Pone Scope and just watched her bedded behind a bush for an hour and a half. We practiced some dry fires and got him set up with two tri-pods. He kept telling me he was solid and steady but I wasn't sure at that distance. When she stood up I told him to go for it but only if he was rock solid. One shot and he double lunged her she went 20 yards and fell over dead. That 143 ELDX is a menacing bullet he painted the bushes behind her like I've never seen.