I'm gonna throw a brick in the works just to shake it up, Benneli makes a great gun I own two super 90's but the question you have to ask yourself is do I need a gun that shoots 3 1/2's and am I willing to drag the extra weight around and a gun that slaps you and does not swing as well as let's say a Beretta a400 (argueably the best semi auto on the planet at this moment in time (ask Aeon he probaly kills more waterfowl during the season and then goes after pheasents and quail with it in Mex than anyone else on this board. IMO while the sbe is a very capable firearm it is far more than anyone will ever rise to the occasion and need and beyond the specialized circumstances you may encounter is probably going to make you less effective and compromise your abilty to get on target with smaller game and swing and put shot on target. It is a big heavy gun and not suited to all pursuits and be satisfactory to all hunt venues. Imo if you want a one gun shotgun armory you would be better suited to a Remington 870 wigmaster or if you want auto a Benneli super 90 or Bretta a400. Just say in what i think...