whats up guys? I'm home for two days and will be headed back to NM tomorrow for some more hunts. The bull in the pic was shot at 25 yards on our 6th day of hunting. The bulls started to bugle at 4:30 in the afternoon and i was able to get my hunter in the middle of several bulls.His bull came by us with cows at 100 yards and i was able to rake and bugle him in to 25 yards for the shot.That was his 1st bull with a bow and his biggest yet with any weapon.Opening day with my 2nd hunter(10 min after legal shooting time) i had my hunter 25 yards from a 345-350 bull,i was set up 25 yards behind him with a decoy.The bull was broadside and feeding,my hunter does'nt bother to range him and shoots over his back!!!!!!!!!!!! the bull stops at 50 and my hunter gutshoots him.I felt bad for him i wanted to go give him a hug and then punch him in the mouth!!! So we give him 8 hours to expire and spend 2 days searching to no avail.Thats hunting...more later