Well it took me until the morning of the last day of a four day hunt to tag out, thank god, I hate tag soup. My friend Greg tagged out on the second day and he got a huge cow, everyone in the cleaning Shed thought it was a big bull, nope big cow. Mine came about 7 AM today, we first saw the small heard at about 300 yards but they went into the brush and did not reappear until they got up the hill and came out from behind juniper and made the mistake of stopping. They turned and look at us but did not move except one turned and gave me a perfect broadside, we ranged it at 460 yards and I let fly 180 gr. of Barnes TSX BT out of my 300 Winmag, lights out, she never took one step and, I suspect not
one breath, dropped in her tracks. Nice two year old. A real adrenaline rush after three days af seeing a fair about of cows and endless bulls too be able to fill my tag.