Rabbits in California

I doubt if one dies that it will be there for long..a bobcat, coyote or big bird will turn it into a meal in no time..if it could spread to other animals wouldn't it be infecting those larger predators already?
Yep, read about it and posted last week. Sucks when you consider how many animals rely on rabbits for food, not to mention messing up our hunting.
When messaging someone from NPS they told me about this. So far they believe it is not transmissible to humans. But of course we don’t want to spread it to other animals. What do you guys think? Is it worth still hunting and eating these animals?
let nature take its course,,its been happening for millions of years...personally I don't touch them or even like being around them...Lloyd use to love them..R.I.P LLOYD
When messaging someone from NPS they told me about this. So far they believe it is not transmissible to humans. But of course we don’t want to spread it to other animals. What do you guys think? Is it worth still hunting and eating these animals?
Look what the hell we got from bats in China. I am not taking a chance....
Will you also avoid possible contraction/spreading of chronic wasting disease from various deer species?

California does not have CWD...And of course, I/we follow rules about bringing hoofed animals into the state...For the sake of our deer population, we need to adhere to the guidelines.