Sad accident in Oregon


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2020
A local guide had two 73 YO hunters out for an Elk hunt. they spotted a heard when the got out of the side by side one of the hunters accidentally shot the guide in the back. He did not make it. I saw the story over on Rockslide. Be exceptional careful out there. :(
Guiding is an unbelievably hard job...way more mental than physical...terrible news .damn...* Nobody loads up until the guide says so .and muzzle direction at all times.. damn this sucks.**
Latest is, as the were exiting the vehicle, one of the hunters was chambering a round and the rifle fired. Alex Bowmen moment, I didn't pull the trigger.
Had a friend almost kill a mutual friend, when his Rem 700 went off when he closed the bolt...I do believe there were a number of lawsuits about the problems with that gun...His was a .243...Which I now own.
I almost had my head taken off by a guy out bird hunting. I did not know him, but we stopped to talk about the day's events. He had the gun resting over his shoulder and was turning and pointing as he was telling a story. He muzzled me a couple times. That drew my attention to his finger on the trigger and the gun off safe. I didn't say anything. A few seconds later, boom, Right passed my face. Lesson learned And that's the last time I won't say something to someone displaying Poor gun safety.
A friend was behind me while looking for rabbits. He was pointing the shotgun towards the ground. Suddenly BOOM! Somehow his trigger caught the bungee that keeps his bino case closed and the shotgun fired.
Prayers for the family, how terrible...Always practice muzzle control, #1 safety rule. years ago, after getting back to the truck in the dark my buddy was unloading his Rem, 700 and the gun went off, luckily he was pointing it in a safe direction.
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Somehow?.....No he either forgot or was hunting with his safety off......... :mad:

Over the years, I've hunted with a lot of different folks...And believe it or not, some have told me that can't hunt withe the same on....Well, you ain't hunting with me then....:angery:
Had a friend almost kill a mutual friend, when his Rem 700 went off when he closed the bolt...I do believe there were a number of lawsuits about the problems with that gun...His was a .243...Which I now own.
I believe it is the model 600 that has that problem, I have 2 that I sent back to get the recall work done on them. Maybe there's problems with some 700s as well
I own a mod. 700 so I did some research on issues with the gun accidentally going off when the bolt was closed. What I have found is, after intense testing, it was determined that the guns trigger mech. had been adjusted by inexperienced person. Or the gun had very poor maintenance. No evidence was found to be a design fault. Most of the reported accidents were caused by improper handling off the gun.
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There was a recall on the remington 700 XMP triggers for that. Also people can bump their safety in transport and assume the safety in on. No matter what the firearm should always be pointed in a safe direction and the trigger finger off the trigger till you are ready to fire.

Remington voluntarily recalled the X-Mark Pro (XMP) triggers in their Model 700 and Model Seven rifles manufactured between May 1, 2006 and April 9, 2014. The recall was due to the possibility of the rifles unintentionally discharging, even without the trigger being pulled

I duck hunted with a guy who made a huge deal about everyone using their safety in the duck blind and spent 10 minutes talking about it to make sure everyone agreed. That dude flagged everyone in the blind with a loaded gun multiple least his safety was on. Haha. I could not believe how ironic it was that he made such a big deal about safeties and proceeded to flag the hell out of everyone. We don't shoot with him anymore
I own a mod. 700 so I did some research on issues with the gun accidentally going off when the bolt was closed. What I have found is, after intense testing, it was determined that the guns trigger mech. had been adjusted by inexperienced person. Or the gun had very poor maintenance. No evidence was found to be a design fault. Most of the reported accidents were caused by improper handling off the gun.
Some 700s may have had gummed up trigger groups which can cause an accidental fire when the safety is disengaged but every 700 incident I’ve read about would have been prevented if those involved had been following the “treat it like it’s loaded,” “safe muzzle direction,” and “finger off the trigger” rules.

I remember one where a father had a loaded rifle he was picking up or putting away on the backseat of his vehicle. Somehow he set it off and killed his son who was on the opposite side of the car. Never should have had the rifle pointed at his son.

If someone could design a safety with magic that could never fail, the four rules would still be necessary because they build safe habits and a mindset of safe handling that can only be overcome with gross negligence.
Prayers for his family and the shooter !
Can’t even imagine !
I’ve had 2 close calls over the years.
I was a freshman in High School; was hunting with my Uncle and a friend at Wister WA T10-5. On one group of birds, my Uncle called the shot, I stood up and started blasting, only to my Uncle screaming !
My friend had shot 1 shot sitting down. My Uncle had a big Afro/Perm, the shot burned some of his hair ! I thought my Uncle was going to beat my friend to death; He ripped apart his whole side of the
blind !
2nd time was at Rahaugges Pheasant hunting club; I was around 25 years old. The owner of the Masonry company I worked for would buy a shit ton of pheasant every year. Towards the end of the club season he would have a big hunting day. After one of the shoots a few of us were invited to go shoot Sporting Clays; this type of shooting was new to the world and I was dying to do it!
I was in the parking lot in the door of my truck putting my bags on to shoot when a gun went off right behind me. Scared the crap out of me !
The father, Wendell from Florida, with his teenage son who were parked next to me
pulled his O/U out of the case and the gun went off! Funny now, not then , was the gun never made it out of the cab of this guys brand spanking new F250 4x4. Looked like cartoon blast of a gun in the ceiling of that truck.
Ol Mike Rahaugges freaked out on this guy! I never let Mike forget that over the years ! lol !!
Come to find out; that when we were finished with our pheasant shoot there was a bird standing in the field about 20 yards away. Someone said “Grab a gun ! “ Wendell loaded that 12 gauge O/U with 2 shells, handed it to my buddy Brian to shoot the bird. Well Brian killed it; handed Wendell back the gun. It laid on the tailgate for 20 minutes or more with 20 guys standing around before Wendell put it in the case ! Wendell tried to blame Brian for everything!
Never liked ol Wendell much ! So I told him, my Dad used tell me and my brothers to make sure a gun was unloaded before you put in a case, and keep you finger out of the trigger well till your ready to shoot.
Oh and the whole “Safety” thing !

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