SCI responds to the 160 acre hunting acreage in Plan D.......Thanks Jim
Ms. Touchstone,
The attached letter is the formal input of the San Diego Chapter of Safari Club International (San Diego SCI) on the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan / Environmental Assessment, herein referred to as the DCCP. Representatives from our organization have been actively involved in the DCCP process for the last decade, attending public outreach meetings and providing guidance and recommendations at every opportunity. Having done so, we are dismayed by the management alternatives proposed in the DCCP; specifically by the lack of any significant hunting program in the Preferred Alternative D. We contend that the Preferred Alternative D is unacceptable for providing opportunities for the priority public use of hunting because:
· Hunting is specified as one of six priority uses of a Refuge and in no way interferes with other uses of the Refuge, as admitted in the DCCP.
· Hunters have never asked other recreation users to abstain from their preferred recreational activities, yet hunters are apparently expected to stand-down because some non-priority users (e.g., equestrian and mountain bike trail users) want it all to themselves.
· The DCCP and the Preferred Alternative D ignore policy guidance from higher authority, specifically Executive Order 13442 as well as USFWS Service Manual 605 FW 2 and the USFWS Vision as published in the “Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation”.
· The miniscule 160 acres of hunting area (out of a total 11,537 acres of Refuge) in Preferred Alternative D clearly wouldn’t justify a hunting program with a reasonable future and would undoubtedly be soon terminated as not being cost-effective.
It is my sincere hope that following this comment period that we can establish a dialog to develop an alternative to the current Preferred Alternative D that incorporates a comprehensive hunting program on the Refuge.
Best regards,
Jim Conrad
President, San Diego SCI
858-481-9292 Tel
858-481-3557 Fax
[email protected]