Went out last week to try and toss my crawfish trap into the Snake river but upon arrivel there wasn't a good spot to toss it out. It was shallow along the shore and lots of reeds along the river bank. I only had about a 3 hr window to toss out so I figured I'd just toss out for some catfish instead. I was meeting a buddy there so after I grabbed my fishing stuff I decided to rig it up get my line in the water while waiting for him. Right after I tossed out he arrived so I walked over to help him with his cooler and let him use some of my bug spray and by the time we walked back my pole was leaning down. I set the hook and brought in my biggest catfish yet. It was 8lbs! Had to take the beer out of my buddies cooler and put it into mine because the cat didn't fit into mine!
I had 2 more hook ups but they would get hung up in the reeds as I was bringing them in and I couldn't get them out before my line would break.
Decided to look into a new setup for cat fishing and possibly sturgeon and salmon down the road. I came across a killer deal from a dude selling his sturgeon setup that he hadn't been using much. Its a Penn Squall 40LD. The combo still sells for over $200 and I was able to get it for $40! Going to replace the braided line and get it set up so hopefully I don't loose anymore fish.

The new (to me) rod and reel

I had 2 more hook ups but they would get hung up in the reeds as I was bringing them in and I couldn't get them out before my line would break.
Decided to look into a new setup for cat fishing and possibly sturgeon and salmon down the road. I came across a killer deal from a dude selling his sturgeon setup that he hadn't been using much. Its a Penn Squall 40LD. The combo still sells for over $200 and I was able to get it for $40! Going to replace the braided line and get it set up so hopefully I don't loose anymore fish.

The new (to me) rod and reel