I think today was my best day on this season , I wake up early and I was on my spot at 5:40 I start listening some turkeys gobling at 6:15 almost 5 turkeys. So I start calling every 3 min soft 5 or 6 yelps they answerme crazy 1 turkey gobbles more than a 100 times, at 7 i call every 15 or 20 min.
They come from 500 yds to 80 but never close to shoot 20 min later at 7:45 I call again and gobble,gobble,gobble at 20 yds behind a brush a silent tom comes on my right i wait to him to find me I have 2 hen decoys , but he never want to come to a clean area he prefers the brush area.
at 9 stop gobling so I decide to change to another spot, I arrive at 10;30 and make the set up with hens decoys
I call with 5 soft yelps and 5 min later I heard a gobbler at 300 yds away , wait 20 min and he answerme but not move so I call again , I wait for him 1 hour and never answer so I decide to move 60 yds to my right in a open green area, and when I was ready to call he gobbles in the place that I was before , whatttt ??
No kill today but was great day a lot of action . I think hens was more interest right now on nest , so boys was alone and they answer better now.
They come from 500 yds to 80 but never close to shoot 20 min later at 7:45 I call again and gobble,gobble,gobble at 20 yds behind a brush a silent tom comes on my right i wait to him to find me I have 2 hen decoys , but he never want to come to a clean area he prefers the brush area.
at 9 stop gobling so I decide to change to another spot, I arrive at 10;30 and make the set up with hens decoys
I call with 5 soft yelps and 5 min later I heard a gobbler at 300 yds away , wait 20 min and he answerme but not move so I call again , I wait for him 1 hour and never answer so I decide to move 60 yds to my right in a open green area, and when I was ready to call he gobbles in the place that I was before , whatttt ??
No kill today but was great day a lot of action . I think hens was more interest right now on nest , so boys was alone and they answer better now.