Utah Tag Drawing


“Venison” It’s what’s for dinner!
Feb 3, 2011
I just got my reminder post card from Utah DNR. The Deadline to get into the tag drawing is March 3rd. :)
I’m in for this year. I can’t wait to show up the boys ! “Again” :D
Jeff, Congrats on the new baby, I have teenagers now so they are a whole new list of issues to
deal with. I cant wait to get to Utah, I am going to Hogs Wild first of March than Utah in August
so I hope it goes by fast.
I want to put in for Utah but never hunted it before? I also heard once you fish Utah you will never want to go back to the sierras again?
Just 2 more days left to put in for Utah !!!!!!!!!!! It ends on March 3rd ! :eek:
Should I put in for the general buck hunt which I think is hunt 1500? I want to take my trailer out there and hunt and do some fishing I just dont know too much about the state.
Jim is right correct, its hunt number 1500 and is the Statewide Archery Deer tag. Only purchase the $65.00 hunting license because your deer tag lets you fish while you are on your hunt. I have been hunting Utah my entire life so touch base with me, if I can help out at all with the plans of your hunt. I am taking a group of eleven of us this year and can't wait until August.

We got the call from Utah today, we are going back hunting this year. I hope it is a good year. If you are going to the Duck Creek area get in touch with us and we can hook up and meet.

Larry C.
Two days and counting until we leave for Utah on an epic deer hunt and my truck is still in the shop. I have been told the truck will be done on Tuesday early morning, not a good time for a wiring harness and a cam sensor to go bad along with a few other service request( tranny, oil change, etc. I am glad to have family working at the shop so I dont get screwed over. Those that are going with us, I will see you Thursday morning at 2 am.

Good huntung,
Larry Cochran

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