El Matavenados: a term I coined for myself, meaning "the deer killer" or "the deerslayer"; a compound word, intended to be similar to "matamoscas". I started using that as my internet handle, in spite of the fact that I had only killed 3 deer in my life at that time. I used it in setting up a facebook account, and my sister Googled it. Turns out the term had already been invented and applied to a big spider. I thought I was having an original thought, but I was wrong.
I find Spanish compound words interesting. Here are some examples:
Parabrisas (para = for, brisas = breezes): windshield
Paraguas (para = for, aguas = waters): umbrella
Matamoscas (matar = to kill, moscas = flies): flyswatter
Parachoques (para = for, choques = crashes): bumper
Quitanieves (quitar = remove, nieve = snow): snowplow