Long time Wister hunter (50 yrs) I have been following this thread and although I do not hunt Wister anymore since we relocated to the Sac area. Nothing has changed. There was never a public input meeting (even though they are mandated). The only meetings that ever took place there were the meetings after a hunter work party and they certainly were not for public input. These work parties were large groups of hunters and we accomplished many things that were not being done by staff. All the signage for parking areas and blinds sites were donated and installed. We even relocated some of the blind sites on our own. All the blind sites were cleared of overgrowth and trash. Now the only work being done is to moonscape an area and put in 2 lane roads between ponds. No feed is planted and then the area is left until it is overgrown again with salt ceder. How much money has been spent to redo these areas W11, W12, S20, S22, 413, T's, U's only to let them go with no upkeep. Some of these areas have been done multiple times. That is a waste of money. When you non existent management who is going to be held responsible.